Monday, July 10, 2017

Adding a Child's Appetite With Traditional Medicines

children who are difficult to eat is a problem that is often complained of by parents, especially for mothers. Various ways have been done to increase the child's appetite, but as if no results. In fact, not infrequently mothers become depressed when knowing her baby difficult to eat.
The cause of a child is not an appetite or difficulty eating can be triggered due to physical factors and psychological factors. Physical factors may be interference in the digestive organs and there is infection in the child's body. While psychological factors can be psychological disorders in children, such as forcing children to consume vegetables, whereas aak do not like the food.
Well, for Mother who experienced this condition, here are some ways to increase the appetite of children with traditional medicine, which you can practice quite easily.

1. Increase the appetite of children with lempuyangThe trick: Lempuyang scar which is still fresh for the thumb, add a little water, mix well then strain while squeezed the water. Add the juice of lempuyang with half a glass acid, brown sugar and salt to taste. Drink the potion once a day with a small glass.
2.Increase the child's appetite with the leaves enceng-encengHere's how: Take 30 fresh leaves of fresh-encamped leaves, wash them thoroughly and smoke-wipe them briefly. Then eat the leaves enceng-enceng twice in a day as a salad, for your children can mix it in food.
3.Increase the appetite of children with mahogany seedsHow: Take half a teaspoon of mahogany seeds, saturated with half a glass of hot water, add a tablespoon of honey. Drink ingredients 3 times a day with a dose of one tablespoon.
4. Adding appetite with papaya leavesHow: Take a handful of fresh papaya leaves then wash them thoroughly, grate or mash the papaya leaves and add with a little water. Strain the water and add with a tablespoon of honey. Drink a herb of papaya leaves twice a day with half a glass dose.

In the face of a problem would require a process, as well as facing children who are difficult to eat. You must be patient in growing appetite in children and should keep the spirit to do various ways to increase the child's appetite. All for the sake of health and fulfillment of child nutrition. You can also use products for children that can help increase the appetite of children such as honey shifa kids appetite and worms.

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