Saturday, July 8, 2017


Perhaps many people do not think of suitability in the color selection of clothing. They assume that they can wear any color as long as they like, comfortable and look good for them. Of course this is not wrong. But in terms of interaction, we also have to pay attention to other people's assessment aspects.
One of the most important things in dress is choosing the right color of clothing, but not just as simple as the color of the boss, subordinates and other parts. We need to know what color combinations fit each other.
To be proficient in this, we must know the basic science of color. Actually we have gained this knowledge when we were still in elementary school, in art lesson. I myself although not good at drawing, but I like when learning about color and mixing.
But for those of you who are less interested to learn and memorize back, here are some easy tips in choosing clothes colors:
1.Do not wear clothes more than 3 colors. As already described in the previous article (male fashion tips), this is the most important rule.
2. Wear the right color with your skin. If your skin is dark, wear bright colors like white, beige, gray or baby blue. For white skin, color choices that can be used more. You can wear soft or pastel colors.
3.Do not wear pants with light colors. Such as red, yellow or orange. Wear neutral or dark colors. Avoid also blends gray with light colors like yellow.
4. Customize the color of clothes with time and place. Dark colors for formal events. While bright colors for informal events.
5. Wear a belt with the same color as the shoe. If your shoes are black, also wear a black belt.

So before you go outdoors and want to look good, pay attention first to the six tips on color selection of clothing above.

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