Wednesday, June 21, 2017

10 ways to reduce eye minus

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1.Keep eye clean
This factor is very important if you want to maintain eye health. Be sure to always maintain the cleanliness of your eyeballs. Clean your eyes regularly with eyes, and protect your eyes while riding a motorcycle. Also make sure to regularly visit an ophthalmologist and check your minus eye level at least once a year.
2.Remove your tears with "candle therapy"
Wax therapy is a natural way to reduce eye minus. Simple way, light the candle and place it in front of you. Try to stare at the burning candle without blinking, until your tears come out. The more tears that come out the better. This wax therapy is very useful to strengthen the eye accommodation.
3. Rest every 30 minutes in front of the screen
Be sure to apply the formula to rest for thirty minutes in eye-catching activities, such as reading, working in front of a computer, or watching television. Rest period does not need to be too long, just 3 to 5 minutes. Take advantage of these break times to do eye gymnastics or to gaze at distant green objects.
4. Betel leaf therapy
Betel leaf therapy is known as a natural method that works best to cure eye minus. How to do it quite simply, take two betel leaves that can cover your eyelids. Clean the betel leaf, and place it over your eyes while sleeping. This way is very cheap, easy, but useful.
5. Use an anti-radiation screen protector
Anti-radiation screens are absolutely necessary when you perform work related to the computer monitor screen. For the long term, anti-radiation screens can protect you from eye damage very effectively. If your computer and television do not have radiation protection, take some time to buy it. These items are not too expensive, but have significant benefits to maintain the health of your eyes.
6. Face and follow moving objects
Suppose you are on the highway, try to stare and follow objects that move from one point to another, eg pedestrians, motorcycles, or birds flying. As you gaze at these objects, try to keep your head and neck as small as possible. Try to use only your eyeball movement to follow the movements of these objects.

7. Do gymnastics
Eye gymnastics is a light activity that you can do to train the eye muscles in focusing on an object. Eye gymnastics is also very easy to do anytime and anywhere. Simply blink your eyes for a while. After that, try to look at one object to another object in turn. The last therapy, try to stare at a silent object that is located away from you for a while.
8. Match the distant object without using the glasses
This therapy is also very effective to make your eyes healthy. In the morning, make it a habit to gaze at distant objects, preferably if there are green trees around them. Try to do this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes on a regular basis. By doing this, your eyes and psychological condition will feel more refreshed.
9. Remove your glasses
While it is still possible to work without glasses, remove your glasses. This is useful to reduce our dependence on the glasses while lowering the eye minus. By doing this, your eyes will become stronger and more moving, so the muscles used to accommodate become more flexible.
10. Eat good vegetables for the eyes
The best natural way to reduce eye minus is to consume vegetables and bauh that contain lots of vitamin A. Try to mengonsumis carrots, spinach, apples, eggs, avocados, salmon, and green vegetables regularly. You can use fish and eggs as a side dish, accompanied by vegetables

  As a soup or dessert. If you are tired of eating fruits raw, drink as juice. In this way, a healthy diet will be more varied and not monotonous.

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